Third Year project ideas

I feel I need to write these down:

Idea a) This is around Big Data Analytics.  My idea sparked when the news reported that companies were having to bring in data analysts from overseas, as there was no trained NZers. This struck me as being not right. So I did some research and found that Massey was the only university that was offering a course in Data Analytics and they only started this year.  Yes Otago has some courses as a data scientist and per information from Mary Proctor Waikato Tech has an infomatics course.

My little brain began working and I thought what about designing a course for schools such as NMIT to use to teach the basics of Data Analytics, enough to help students get into entry level positions with companies requiring analysts.

To get this to work I would need to reach out to companies that use data analysts and find out exactly what is required to do this job. Do they need a huge understanding of statistics, or are their programs that do that? If there are programs it would be training students how to use the program and understand the information that is coming out.  I am sure there is a lot more to it than that, but that is where I would start.

I had mentioned this idea to Sandra Dyke and she would loe me to do this so that she could teach it, being that she is a numbers lady.

Idea b) This is a new idea and it is around Narrative Design (thanks Clare)

I could design a game… not the coding/animation etc, but the back story. How the world would be displayed. How the characters would interact. How the NPC’s would interact and lead the characters(gamers) down certain path’s. Also the change of paths depending on the decisions and possible decisions that would be made by the gamer.  Also how levelling would happen. Tools and items that would be carried and how they would be carried.

I would need a framework – systems development coming into play – methodolgy, to do this.

Both of these ideas would make my majour information systems, and not ICT. Yet I love networking. Hmmm makes for an interesting next few months as I figure out exactly what it is I want to do.

“You are the Master of your own Destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environent. You can make Your life what you want it to be” – Napoleon Hill


I have discovered that I am a professional at procrastination and hence why this post is late. I have managed to watch the complete first season of Daredevil on Netflix… That is awesome procrastination.

So this post for Research is about academic articles. We were asked to find two articles, based on our interests in IT and go from there in answering some questions.  I have 2 main areas of interest Big Data Analytics and Narrative Game Design (thanks Clare).  As Narrative design is the newer of the two that was the first article I went in search of… not an easy task. There are books, blogs, youtube clips etc, but not many academic articles. I did however manage to find one that was based around this topic line. As for Big Data, good lord, it has a plethera of information out there, but finding something in the area I want is difficult, yet again I found something. So let’s go through this step by step.

The questions posed:

First Paper

  1. Title and author(s) of the article :  MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research              Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc, Robert Zubek
  2. APA reference (give it your best shot!) (try  ‘cite’ option on Google Scholar)Hunicke, R., LeBlanc, M., & Zubek, R. (2004). MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research. Retrieved from ( this is from Zotero)Hunicke, R., LeBlanc, M., & Zubek, R. (2004, July). MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research. In Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Challenges in Game AI (Vol. 4). (this is from cite on Google Scholar)
  3. How you found the article and what keywords you used                                            I first went to Google Scholar and searched narrative design in game
  4. What kind of article it is, ( journal paper, conference paper, masters thesis…..)       It is a PDF article that came out of an AAAI workshop on game challenges. Per the cite from Google Scholar it states Vol 4, therefore I am going to make an assumption that it is a journal paper
  5. All the reasons that you think it is an academic article and how well it fits the ‘structure of an academic article’  that I described in my previous post?    Per the layout of the article and what you (Clare) posted online is why I am assuming this is an academic article. It has a title, authors name with email addresses, abstract, introduction, body of the paper, wrapping up, conclusion and references. It doesn’t have a review of other papers, this may be due to the lack of papers in this area.
  6. How many references it has?   It has five references and three of them are to previosu papers written by the individual authors of this paper.
  7. How many citations it has (if you can find out)   Per Google Scholar it has been cited 572 times
  8. For articles that you found online,  the url of the article                      
  9. Say whether you are interested in properly reading the article or not (and give some reasons!)   I am interested in reading the article properly, per the abstract it is about MDA ( Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics)  framework. It seems interesting. Talking about design and games.  A framework and the use of one makes designing anything easier.

 Second Paper

  1. Title and author(s) of the article :    A  web analytics tool selection method: an analytical hierarchy process approach                                     Kazuo Nakatani, Ta-Tao Chaung
  2. APA reference (give it your best shot!) (try  ‘cite’ option on Google Scholar)Nakatani, K., & Chuang, T.-T. (2011). A web analytics tool selection method: an analytical hierarchy process approach. Internet Research, 21(2), 171–186. ( this is from Zotero)Nakatani, K., & Chaung, T. (2011, January). A web analytics selection: an analytical hierarchy process approach. (Vol. 21).
  3. How you found the article and what keywords you used  I logged into the library database and went into Proquest. I searched introduction to dig data analytics
  4. What kind of article it is, ( journal paper, conference paper, masters thesis…..)                                                                                                 Journal paper
  5. All the reasons that you think it is an academic article and how well it fits the ‘structure of an academic article’  that I described in my previous post?    Per the layout of the article and what you (Clare) posted online is why I am assuming this is an academic article. It has a title, authors name with affiliations (universities) , abstract, introduction, body of the paper, wrapping up, conclusion and references. It doesn’t have a review of other papers (from a quick glance)
  6. How many references it has?       16
  7. How many citations it has (if you can find out) I put the title into Google Scholar and see that it has been cited by 20
  8. Say whether you are interested in properly reading the article or not (and give some reasons!)  There is a small amount of interest, as it does deal with the tools used to do analytic result finding on big data, but it is not really what I am thinking about when I think about big data in relation to my third year project.

Well I feel that this is what was requested, although not all that is on my mind 🙂

“You are the Master of your own Destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environent. You can make Your life what you want it to be” – Napoleon Hill

Is it credible?

So this weeks task was to find documentation regarding our interest in IT and answer a few questions. As I now have an interest in Narrative Design, I went on the hunt for documentation for it and I have to say there is not a lot out there.

I found a link via google scholar that pointed at a book “Game Writing: Narrative skills for videogames” . It was written in 2007 by CM Bateman and E Adams.  All I can see of the book is the table of contents. It seems to be a credible piece of work. It has been cited by 60 people but, as I can not look into the actual text of the book, makes it hard.

So instead I will look at my other area of interest Big Data Analytics.

  • the url of the evidence

  • how you found it

Via google scholar

  • when it was written

Sep- oct 2011

  • what kind of evidence is it (e.g. news item. youtube video etc.)

Journal article

  • who wrote or created it

George Siemens, Phil Long

  • if you think it is an ‘academic’ article

As it is a journal article I would say yes it is academic

  • if you think it is credible

I do think it is credible.

This article is about Big Data Analytics and it’s use in learning and education. It looks at how educators in higher levels of learning can use analytics to further education and learning.

“You are the Master of your own Destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environent. You can make Your life what you want it to be” – Napoleon Hill

Information Technology and Me Part 2

Narrative designer, is more than just a writer. Yes I play video games, but do I consider myself a gamer. I guess not. I have played World of Warcraft and still do.  I enjoy it. It allows me to escape my real world blah for something more. I get to progress a character through stages of development. Although it hasn’t taken me long to get my recent toon to level 90. As of yet I cannot afford the expansion and therefore am not at level 100. I like the interaction with other players both within and outside of my guild. That communication brings a sense of community within the game.

A Narrative designer looks at all of this along with the storyline and tries to envisage how the game will be played by the players. They want to explore the various different story arcs that the individual may or may not pursue.  They do not just see the words, they see the vision.

Perhaps I need to immerse myself into more games, but I have I guess. I played EQ once upon a time. I play on the iPad, all sorts of little games, that the kids have downloaded, that I seem to take charge of. I see how they interact with the game. Get involved with how the characters interact. They both play WOW (although I have put limits on what they can and cannot do within the game – they are still young). But I see the enjoyment and the fulfilment and the frustration on their faces when things go right and sometimes horribly wrong.

This is all part of immersion. Immersing yourself within the character and storyline. Finding out what you can and cannot do. This is part of the game play.

I have participated in gaming in the sense of RPG. I was introduced to the GURPs gaming system when I lived in the USA.  I enjoyed the character creation. Knowing what the limits of my character where and then trying desperately to expand them. To make her better, stronger, faster or whatever she needed to complete the mission.

I also enjoyed coming up with the storyline that the troop had to follow. Being the Game Master (GM). This allowed me to set out a specific path, and true to human nature no one followed where you wanted them to go. SO you had to adapt on the fly.

With good narrative design, I can see that all these contingencies need to be thought out ahead of time, so that if your toon walks into the dark cave at the bottom of a deep ravine, there is a reaction to the action.

For gamers it is the ultimate goal to achieve that coveted spot, making your character better. But that is not all it is about. There is something about the storyline or the worlds that makes a game come back to the game and continue to play well into the wee hours of the morning. Or saying to yourself just one more quest, then bed.

So to be a narrative designer is more than just telling a story you have to live the story. Interesting.

A Narrative Designer doesn’t have to be a coder (thank the lord) but they do need to understand code. They need to be able to understand all aspects of game design as well as story writing. They are the glue between the people who can make the game and the people who want to play the game.


The links I had to Edwin Mcrae’s Blog no longer work, so I have removed them.  He changed his site.

Rhianna Pratchett a games writer, gives a very interesting talk on what it is like to write for the gaming industry.  As stated earlier you are not simply a writer, you are so much more. But the industry has biases regarding writers. This needs to be overcome.

As gaming evolves and uses such hardware like the Oculus Rift to get total immersion into a game, that storyline or narrative is going to be vitally important and it would be important to use someone who not only can write and write well, but also understands the medium.

The game is important, but so is the story.




So what is big data analytics? I figured I better understand this so that I can better understand what it is I am looking it.  So a web hunting I went and I liked the definition I found at

Big data analytics is the process of examining large data sets containing a variety of data types — i.e., big data — to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other useful business information. The analytical findings can lead to more effective marketing, new revenue opportunities, better customer service, improved operational efficiency, competitive advantages over rival organizations and other business benefits.’

This says it all. It is a matter of hunting through the copious amounts of data retrieved and saved on a daily basis, from all the web searches, online shopping, etc. that people do every single day and finding out what t-shirt or shoe is more popular and to what demographic and then using that data to provide companies with the feedback they need to market a product to the correct people in the correct way.

So hunting mining data… sounds like fun. Looking for patterns, being able to read the patterns that appear. This does sound like fun. Not creative fun like the narrative designer position, but in depth fun, like playing a game of Sudoku, or doing a crossword puzzle, or even creating a crochet or knitting pattern and then creating the completed item.

Ted talk by Kenneth Cukier:

Interesting insight into big data… Not so much the analysing of the data, but more in the realm of what it can do for us and what can be achieved by looking at the amass amount of data that is collected.  I also appreciated the way he presented the downside to big data, the fact that it could replace human jobs, and that we need to be careful and use it wisely.

So do I see myself as a big data analyst? Well there is a lot more that needs to be looked at. I am not a math whiz by any stretch of the imagination and it seems that statistics is somewhat used in this. The use of the tools such as Hadoop as a repository for the data… a data lake if you will, seems interesting.  There are other tools in use to take that data and make it useful, so perhaps maths doesn’t need to be a strong point, just an understanding of the tools and knowing what it is you are looking at. So again further research is needed by me to truly understand what it is that Big Data Analytics is.


So really this is not what I was supposed to do for post number two whilst my tutor is away on a research week in Hamner. (Raised eyebrow look)

I am supposed to talk about the sources and whether I find them credible. Well for the sources on Narrative design, I do find them credible. Why because they are by people that work in that industry. They have been doing what they do for a number of years and their work is visible to many people not only respected professionals but also the little people who play the games that these people help to design.

As for the Big Data, information. The video from Kenneth Cukier on big data, well now… I had to look him up He has his own website, and from that I can see that he has published many books and has worked for world renowned publication The Economist. The fact that I can look up his previous work history and who he is to makes him a credible source.

No I did not find three different sources, I found two a blog and some videos  – ted talk video’s – but in doing this research for both of these topics I have realised that I have a lot more research to do, but I have a place to start.

FYI thank you Clare for the introduction to Narrative Design. Now my brain is running onto game design tangents. I need to look into animation and see what I can learn there . Dip the toe into the water and see what bites.

“You are the Master of your own Destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environent. You can make Your life what you want it to be” – Napoleon Hill

Information Technology and me

My tutor Clare, gave me a link to a website So I took a look. I love you Clare. Narative Design. What the hell is it? This post is going to be short and sweet.  I need to do more research on this.

You see Clare knows I like to write. I have not hidden the fact I write scripts for pilots of tv shows. No you haven’t seen any, and that is because no one has picked them up. You see getting into the entertainment industry is hard, no matter what level you are at. And sometimes it is not what you know but who you know. Alas I know noone. I have entered some competitions but as of yet, I am still writing as the ideas keep flowing and the voices keep talking.

I like the idea of big data analytics – it seems logical to balance out my creative side. Plus there is a demand for good people who can do that for a job.

But Narative designer…. good god woman, put a cat amoungst the pigeons why don’t you. So I plan to end this post here whilest I research this idea a little further.  So far it sounds awesome, but then so does Big Data Analytics.

“You are the Master of your own Destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environent. You can make Your life what you want it to be” – Napoleon Hill

Case Study Research

Case studies are part of social sciences, and are a qualitative research method.  It is used to take a theory and implement it in a real world situation and see what happens. It is ideally suitable for how or why questions.

Case study research in IT would be quite useful, especially when dealing with things such as virtual worlds, and or virtual environments using the Oculus Rift and other such devices.

Here are a couple of video links that explain the whole process a lot better than I can

Hope this help with explaining the whole Case Study research, it’s pros and cons and where it is useful.


“You are the Master of your own Destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environent. You can make Your life what you want it to be” – Napoleon Hill



What interests me within IT?

I have no clue. At one point in time I could answer that question by saying, I love to write therefore technical writing is waht I want to do. It is something I can do from home and make money doing. Now that I have completed a couple of years within this degree, and learnt that my passion for writing does not cross over to formal writing. In fat i find it very hard to write in a formal fashion. Which is why I have some reservations about doing a research project.

So my lateset and greatest interest lies in Big Data analytics. I love the thought of dealving into data and sorting it out, organising it, have it make sense. This notion of mine is probably nothing like what big data anyaltics really is. I just know that it is a potential job option. More research needs to be done by me on the topic.

Big data is out there and it is growing exponentially as more and more people are using online services to store data. More stores are heading to an online presence as well as an actual one and therefore reaching more people. I know that the analysing of that data will help those online stores market their products better, and/or change marketing aspects based on demographic.

There is a logical side to my creative side… perhaps due to my dual nature. A gemini after all has two faces.

Currently though I am excited about building my vPod in Networking. Creating a virtual network and then within that virtual network create virtual machines. I also like building and designing databases. Not sure that I am great at it.

I know I am not a code monkey. The language of it doens’t make sense. It is not logical. SQL is logical. Hence the database stuff. Yet I feel as though I am the odd one out, in many of my classes. I find it hard to use technical language when describing things. I also feel that I have to prove myself, being a woman in a male dominated area. Yes there are other women in IT, and yes they are awesome. But I am my own worst critic. I have also been told by a few people that I would never make it in the IT world. Part of me is striving to prove them wrong, and to prove to myself that I can do anything.

“You are the Master of your own Destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environent. You can make Your life what you want it to be” – Napoleon Hill

Ontology and epistemology – what are they and how do they relate to research

Week two has commenced with full head blowing, brain exploding deep thought on what truth is. What is truth? What I thought I knew, has now been completely turned upside down. In reality that is a good thing. To look at something from a different angle or viewpoint does make one more confused at times and also results in lack of sleep, but it also gives us a different way to understand something that we perhaps thought we knew as being true.

If you are now confused good and welcome to my world.

This week I have the arduous task of figuring out what Ontology is, what Epistemology is and how they both relate to research. I know that Wikipedia may be a good starting point, but I am a little sideways and do not go there first if at all.

First search result that came up when I searched for ‘How is Ontology related to research’ was .  I am now more none the wiser than I was before.  Terry Anderson, discussed different meanings for both ontology and epistemology based upon the research paradigms.

The second link , did not seem as heavy. I liked the simplicity of this and it was understandable to me.

FInally the youtube link made it all philisophically more confusing and yet more understandable. It was simplified.

ONTOLOGY = “to be” study of reality or being.

EPISTEMOLOGY = How we know what we know. It is related to beliefs we have.

How do they relate to research? During the research for this answer I found this blog and I did like Eddie’s constructed word “OBEK: Ontology = Being, Epistemology = Knowledge;

From what I have looked into it seems it depends on the type of research you are doing, how your belief system works and what you want to gain (knowledge) from the type of research you are undertaking.

What is the connection between ontology and epistemology in a research context? How we percieve or believe something to be will add a bias to how we know what we know.

Now that I have looked into Ontology and Epistemology I can see that people are going to agree and diagree on the varying meanings and ways these words are used in relation to research. It all comes down to your own self and what you know as truth’s or facts.

I am still a little confused, but look forward to the lecture on Ontology and Epsitemology on tuesday.

Random App Idea

Driving to Tech I use my cell phone to lisen to spotify. If I do not like the song playing, I either have to pick up my phone and click the forward button or scroll to the shuffle aspect. I thought it would be awesome if there was an app that synced with the music apps that was voice activated, so that you could say next, back or shuffle and the app playing the music would recognise that command and then do that particular action. Also it could raise and lower the volume.

Random thoughts of happiness

First Blog Post

Well here I am embarking on the journey that is Research 701. My reservations about this course revolve solely around my lack of being able to stay in a formal tone when I am writing. I am a creative writer rather than a formal/technological writer, and this can be my kryptonite.

Clare has posed 4 simple questions that need to be answered in this first post; But how simple are they really… as Claire would say “It Depends”

1) What do you think research is?

Research: Can be boring especially when it is based ona topic that you are not interested in. To me it is the understanding of something. The more I do in the IT degree, the more I find myself researching terms and ideas that I want to understand more about, or just understand.

2) Do you think you will ever need research skills?

Always. Whether it be for personal or professional life. For instance helping my kids with their homework. I can see this getting more and more indepth the older they get. Math will be my downfall, so researching how to help them complete and/or understand it. Not just that though, in the IT industry there are always new developments, ideas and technology and researching how to use it, understand it, and or make it better will be vitally important.

3) What is Plagerism?

Well that is using someone elses work as your own. Which is not only dishonest but it doesn’t show that you know the information that you are using. WHy go to all that effort of looking for an answer and using someone elses when plainly after you have researched it, you should know it. Sure they may have put it more eligantly than you in your head, but you may be able to put in a way that is understandable to the rest of the world.

4) Why is it important to avoid it?

I kinda answered it above, by saying that it doesn’t show your knowledge. But also it is illegal, you can be fined and lose grades, not to mention reputation.

So questions answered and first blog post completed. 🙂